Interface | Description |
ComplexControllerJob |
ComplexControllerJob is the interface that the Controller uses to
perform complex ControllerJobs.
NodeInterface |
NodeInterface is the interface for Node, a managed CMSDK process.
ServerInterface |
ServerInterface is the interface for Server, a managed CM SDK application.
TimerContext |
A TimerContext defines the call-back context for Timers.
TimerInterface |
A TimerInterface defines a basic timing interface.
Class | Description |
ClusteredServer | Deprecated extend IfsServer instead and use new runtime system.
IfsServer |
IfsServer is an abstract base class for CM SDK servers.
LibrarySessionPool |
A LibrarySessionPool pools LibrarySessions for use within
Nodes and Servers.
LogManager |
A LogManager manages the logging subsystem.
Node |
A Node is a managed CMSDK process.
NodeManager |
A NodeManager handles the startup and shutdown of a ECMSDK Node in one JVM.
NonCompetingClusteredServer |
A NonCompetingClusteredServer is a ClusteredServer that does not compete
with instances running in other nodes.
Server |
A Server is a managed CMSDK application.
Timer |
A Timer is used to perform timing for Servers and other runtime components.
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