Class | Description |
AutoFolderingActionAdapter |
Default implementation of the AutoFolderingAction interface.
DateAutoFolderingAction |
Sample AutoFolderingAction implementation that creates a folder
structure of the form YYYY/MM/DD/hh/mm[/ss] under the given root.
InterMediaAnnotationTrigger |
OperationAction that triggers a request to perform an
InterMedia annotation on new content.
OperationActionAdapter |
Default implementation of the OperationAction interface.
SessionAutoFolderingAction |
AutoFolderingAction implementation that creates a folder
structure of the form YYYY/MM/DD/hh/mm.sessid under the given root,
using the current time and the ID of the requesting session to generate
the names.
TestAutoFolderingAction |
Implementation of the AutoFolderingAction interface with predictive behavior
for testing purposes.
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