Package | Description |
oracle.ifs.fdk | |
oracle.ifs.fdk.core | |
oracle.ifs.fdk.impl |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
AttributeRequest |
TypeReference.refAttributeRequest |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AttributeRequest[] |
Returns the optional requested attributes.
static AttributeRequest |
ClientUtils.newAttributeRequest(String attributeName)
Creates a new AttributeRequest without requesting any additional
static AttributeRequest |
ClientUtils.newAttributeRequest(String attributeName,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Creates a new AttributeRequest.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RequestManager.acknowledgeRequestForUser(long requestId,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Acknowledges the request for the given user.
Item |
SecurityManager.addGrants(long id,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Adds the specified grants to the SecurityConfiguration of the target item.
Item |
CategoryManager.addMetaDataAttribute(long mdscatId,
NamedValue attributedef,
AttributeRequest[] attrrequest)
Adds an attribute to a category subclass.
Item |
GroupManager.addUsers(long groupId,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Adds members and managers to an existing group.
void |
RequestManager.approveRequestForUser(long requestId,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Approves the request for the given user.
void |
RequestManager.cancelRequestForUser(long requestId,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Cancels the request for the given user.
Item[] |
VersionManager.checkin(long[] items,
NamedValue[] workflowParams,
NamedValueSet[] attrs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Checks in a set of documents, or creates a request for checkin if
operation is workflow-enabled.
Item[] |
VersionManager.checkoutDocuments(long[] items,
String[] comments,
NamedValue[] workflowParams,
NamedValueSet[] attrs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Checks out a set of documents.
static Item[] |
Item.convertToItems(FdkSession session,
LibraryObject[] reposObjects,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Converts a list of repository objects to the corresponding Items.
Item |
AuditManager.createAuditReport(NamedValue[] searchOptions,
NamedValue[] sortOptions,
NamedValue[] reportOptions,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Creates an audit report given a search specification
as a DocumentDefinition that can be used to create a Document later.
Item |
AuditManager.createAuditTypeList(NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Creates an AuditTypeList.
Item |
CategoryManager.createCategorySubClass(NamedValue[] attributes,
AttributeRequest[] attrrequest)
Creates a Category subclass.
Item |
ContainerManager.createContainer(long target,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Creates a new container.
Item |
FileManager.createDocument(NamedValue[] docDef,
NamedValue[] workflowParams,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Creates a new Document.
Item |
FileManager.createDocumentDefinition(NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Creates a new DocumentDefinition Item, which can be used later to create a
Document Item.
Item[] |
FileManager.createDocumentDefinitions(NamedValueSet[] defs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Creates set of new DocumentDefinition Items, which can be used later to
create Document Items.
Item[] |
FileManager.createDocuments(NamedValueSet[] docDefs,
NamedValue[] workflowParams,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Creates a set of new Documents.
Item |
FileManager.createFolder(long destFolderId,
NamedValue[] attributes,
AttributeRequest[] attrrequest)
Creates a new FOLDER Item.
Item[] |
FileManager.createFolders(long[] destFolders,
NamedValueSet[] attributes,
AttributeRequest[] attrrequest)
Creates a set of folders.
Item |
GroupManager.createGroup(NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Creates a new group, returning an Item that represents it.
Item |
LifecycleManager.createLifecyclePolicy(NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Creates a new LIFECYCLE_POLICY Item.
Item[] |
FileManager.createLinks(long folderId,
NamedValueSet[] linkDefs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Creates a set of new Links.
Item |
WorkspaceManager.createPersonalWorkspace(NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Creates a new personal workspace for the current user.
Item |
WorkspaceManager.createPersonalWorkspaceForUser(long userId,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Creates a new personal workspace for the given user.
Item |
RelationManager.createRelation(long from,
long to,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Create a new relation between two documents.
Item |
SecurityManager.createRole(long target,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Creates a new Role for use in the target domain.
Item |
WorkspaceManager.createWorkspace(long target,
NamedValue[] wfParams,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Creates a new workspace or a request.
void |
RequestManager.denyRequestForUser(long requestId,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Denies the request for the given user.
NamedValue[] |
SearchManager.executeSelect(NamedValue priTarget,
NamedValue[] auxTargets,
String searchCondition,
String sortCondition,
NamedValue[] bindVals,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attrReqs)
Executes a search using a prepared selector.
Item[] |
UserManager.findDomainUsers(NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Find a list of provisioned users in the current domain that match the
specified search options.
Item[] |
GroupManager.findGroups(NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns a set of GROUPs.
Item[] |
LifecycleManager.findLifecyclePolicies(NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Returns an array of LIFECYCLE_POLICY Items that match the specified search
Item |
LifecycleManager.findLifecyclePolicyByName(String name,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Returns the LIFECYCLE_POLICY Item with the specified name, or null if no
matching LIFECYCLE_POLICY Item exists.
Item |
SecurityManager.findRoleByKey(String key,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Fetches a single OOTB role by its registered role key.
Item |
AuditManager.getAuditTypeList(String name,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Returns the AuditTypeList corresponding to the specified name.
Item[] |
SecurityManager.getComputedGranteeList(long target,
long role,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Deprecated. use
getComputedUserGranteeList |
Item[] |
SecurityManager.getComputedGroupGranteeList(long target,
long role,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns the set of groups that are granted the specified role on the
specified SecurityConfiguration.
Item[] |
SecurityManager.getComputedUserGranteeList(long target,
long role,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns the set of users that are granted the specified role on the
specified SecurityConfiguration.
Item |
SessionManager.getCurrentUser(AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns the user as an Item for the current session.
Item |
DomainManager.getDefaultDomain(AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns the default
DOMAIN Item. |
Item |
ContentManager.getDefaultMedia(AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Return the default media defined in the system.
Preference |
UserManager.getDomainDefaultUserPreference(String key,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Get domain level default value for a single user preference.
Preference[] |
UserManager.getDomainDefaultUserPreferences(String[] keys,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Get domain level default values for the requested user preferences.
Item |
CommonManager.getItem(long id,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns an Item given an Item ID and an array of AttributeRequests.
Item[] |
CommonManager.getItems(long[] ids,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns an array of Items given an array of Item IDs and an array
of AttributeRequests.
Item |
ContentManager.getMediaByName(String name,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Get media by name.
Item[] |
FileManager.getMostRecentDocuments(NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns the most recent documents for the current user
If the primary or secondary sort attributes are specified
but the corresponding sort directions are not specified,
the sorting defaults to ascending order.
Item |
WorkflowManager.getRequestForWorkflowProcess(long workflowPid,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Returns a Request corresponding to a given WorkflowProcess id.
Item[] |
CategoryManager.getRequiredCategories(long folderId,
AttributeRequest[] requestedAttributes)
Request REQUIRED_CATEGORIES on CategoryConfiguration
Item |
SecurityManager.getRole(long id,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Fetches a single role
Item |
SecurityManager.getRoleByName(String name,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Fetches a single role by its common name.
abstract Item |
ManagersFactory.getUser(AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns the user as an Item that was authenticated for this instance.
Item |
UserManager.getUser(String name,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Gets the specified user by name.
Preference |
UserManager.getUserPreference(String key,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Get a user preference for the current user,
by its preference key.
Preference[] |
UserManager.getUserPreferences(String[] keys,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Get a set of user preferences for the current user,
by preference key.
Preference[] |
UserManager.getUserPreferencesForUser(long userId,
String[] keys,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Get a set of user preferences for the specified user,
by preference key.
Item |
WorkflowManager.getWorkflowConfiguration(long id,
String operation,
boolean direct,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Returns the WorkflowConfiguration of the specified type
that is associated with the given item ID, or null if no
WorkflowConfiguration of the specified type exists for the given item ID.
Item[] |
WorkflowManager.getWorkflowConfigurations(long id,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Returns every WorkflowConfiguration that is associated directly
with the given Item ID, or null if no WorkflowConfigurations exist directly
on the given Item ID.
Item |
WorkspaceManager.joinWorkspace(long id,
long[] reqRoles,
NamedValue[] wfParams,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Requests to join a JoinableWorkspace.
Item[] |
WorkflowManager.listCustomWorkflows(NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns all Custom Workflow instances that have been registered.
Item[] |
FileManager.listFolder(long folderId,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns the items of a folder and returns the requested attributes that
apply to each item.
Item[] |
WorkspaceManager.listJoinableWorkspaces(NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Lists workspaces that can be joined via request.
Item[] |
LockManager.listLockedDocuments(int[] locks,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns a list of Documents locked by a user.
Item[] |
ContentManager.listMedias(AttributeRequest[] attributes)
List all media items defined in the system.
Item[] |
RequestManager.listRequests(long id,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns the list of all reqeusts sent out by given user(id).
Item[] |
RequestManager.listRequestsForUser(long id,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns the list of all reqeusts that the given user is responder to.
Item[] |
SecurityManager.listRoles(long id,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns the available security roles in the domain that apply to the given
target object.
Item[] |
SecurityManager.listRolesByItemType(String itemType,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns the available security roles in the domain that apply to the
given target object class.
Item[] |
VersionManager.listVersions(long id,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns the versions of an item and the requested attributes that
apply to each item.
Item[] |
WorkflowManager.listWorkflows(AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns all Workflow instances that have been registered.
NamedValue[] |
AuthenticatedUserLoginManager.login(NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] userAttributes)
Start a session for the currently authenticated user.
NamedValue[] |
UsernameTokenLoginManager.login(NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] userAttributes)
Start a session authenticated by the Web Services Username Token.
NamedValue[] |
RemoteLoginManager.login(String username,
String password,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] userAttributes)
Start a session authenticated as the given user.
Item |
CategoryManager.modifyCategorySubClass(long mdscatId,
NamedValue[] attributes,
AttributeRequest[] attrrequest)
Modifies the given Category subclass.
Item |
CategoryManager.modifyMetaDataAttribute(long attributeId,
NamedValue attributedef,
AttributeRequest[] attrrequest)
Given an Attribute description, modify the attribute to the given class
and return the modified classobject id.
static AttributeRequest |
ClientUtils.newAttributeRequest(String attributeName,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Creates a new AttributeRequest.
Item |
GroupManager.removeUsers(long groupId,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Removes members and managers from an existing group.
Item |
ContentManager.requestQuotaUpdate(long id,
NamedValue[] wfParams,
NamedValue[] attrs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Request an update to the existing quota on a workspace for non-admin user.
Item |
FileManager.resolvePath(String path,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Resolves a path, returning an Item that represents a PublicObject.
Item |
FileManager.resolveRelativePath(long folderId,
String path,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Resolves a relative path from a Folder, returning an Item that represents
a PublicObject.
NamedValue[] | expr,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attrReqs)
Performs a search.
Item[] |
RequestManager.searchResponders(String name,
AttributeRequest[] attrreqs)
Simple search for Users with given (exact)name.
void |
AttributeRequest.setRequestedAttributes(AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Sets the optional requested attributes.
Item |
SecurityManager.setSecurityConfiguration(long id,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Updates the SecurityConfiguration of the target item.
Item |
SessionManager.setSessionMode(int mode,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Switches the current session into one of the administration modes
(currently only DOMAIN) or out of administration mode (NORMAL).
Item[] |
SortManager.sortAttributeList(long id,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Given an id of a repos object, constructs an item with an attribute of
the given name and sorts the resulting value.
Item[] |
FileManager.uncompress(long[] items,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Uncompresses the items refered to by
items . |
Item |
AuditManager.updateAuditTypeList(long id,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Updates the name or description of an existing AuditTypeList.
Item |
CategoryManager.updateCategory(long catId,
NamedValue[] ahcDef,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Item |
ContainerManager.updateContainer(long id,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Updates an existing container.
Item |
FileManager.updateDocument(long docId,
NamedValue[] docDef,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Updates a Document.
Item[] |
FileManager.updateDocuments(long[] docIds,
NamedValueSet[] docDefs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Updates multiple Documents.
Item |
DomainManager.updateDomain(long id,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Updates a
DOMAIN Item. |
Item |
FileManager.updateFolder(long folderId,
NamedValue[] attrs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Updates a Folder.
Item |
GroupManager.updateGroup(long groupId,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Updates a group.
Item |
LifecycleManager.updateLifecyclePolicy(long id,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Updates an existing LIFECYCLE_POLICY Item.
Item |
LifecycleManager.updateLifecyclePolicyEntry(long id,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Updates an existing LIFECYCLE_POLICY_ENTRY item.
Item |
FileManager.updateLink(long linkId,
NamedValue[] attrs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Updates a Link.
Item |
RelationManager.updateRelation(long id,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Update an existing relation.
Item |
SecurityManager.updateRole(long target,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Updates a Role.
Item |
VersionManager.updateVersion(long id,
NamedValue[] attrs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Updates a version-controlled document.
Item |
WorkspaceManager.updateWorkspace(long id,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Updates an existing Workspace.
Constructor and Description |
AttributeRequest(String attributeName,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Convenience constructor that sets both the attribute name and any
optional attribute requests.
Item(FdkSession session,
LibraryObject reposObject,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Constructor that converts a repository object into an Item.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected static AttributeRequest[] |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CoreRequestManager.acknowledgeRequestForUser(long requestId,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreSecurityManager.addGrants(long id,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreCategoryManager.addMetaDataAttribute(long categoryId,
NamedValue attributedef,
AttributeRequest[] attrrequest)
adds a metadata attribute.
protected Item |
CoreCategoryManager.addMetaDataCategoryAttribute(long categoryId,
NamedValue attributedef,
AttributeRequest[] attrrequest)
use addMetaDataAttribute
Item |
CoreGroupManager.addUsers(long groupId,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
void |
CoreRequestManager.approveRequestForUser(long requestId,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
void |
CoreRequestManager.cancelRequestForUser(long requestId,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item[] |
CoreVersionManager.checkin(long[] items,
NamedValue[] workflowParams,
NamedValueSet[] attrs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item[] |
CoreVersionManager.checkoutDocuments(long[] items,
String[] comments,
NamedValue[] workflowParams,
NamedValueSet[] attrs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreAuditManager.createAuditReport(NamedValue[] searchOptions,
NamedValue[] sortOptions,
NamedValue[] reportOptions,
AttributeRequest[] attrs) |
Item |
CoreAuditManager.createAuditTypeList(NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attrs) |
Item |
CoreCategoryManager.createCategorySubClass(NamedValue[] attributes,
AttributeRequest[] attrrequest) |
Item |
CoreContainerManager.createContainer(long target,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreFileManager.createDocument(NamedValue[] docDef,
NamedValue[] workflowParams,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Creates a new Document.
Item |
CoreFileManager.createDocumentDefinition(NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Creates a new DocumentDefinition Item, which can be used later to create a
Document Item.
Item[] |
CoreFileManager.createDocumentDefinitions(NamedValueSet[] defs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Creates set of new DocumentDefinition Items, which can be used later to
create Document Items.
Item[] |
CoreFileManager.createDocuments(NamedValueSet[] docDefs,
NamedValue[] workflowParams,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Creates a set of new Documents.
Item |
CoreFileManager.createFolder(long destFolderId,
NamedValue[] attributes,
AttributeRequest[] attrequest)
Creates a new FOLDER Item.
Item[] |
CoreFileManager.createFolders(long[] destFolders,
NamedValueSet[] attributes,
AttributeRequest[] attrequest)
Creates a set of folders.
Item |
CoreGroupManager.createGroup(NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreLifecycleManager.createLifecyclePolicy(NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Creates a new LIFECYCLE_POLICY Item.
Item[] |
CoreFileManager.createLinks(long folderId,
NamedValueSet[] linkDefs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Creates a set of new Links.
Item |
CoreWorkspaceManager.createPersonalWorkspace(NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreWorkspaceManager.createPersonalWorkspaceForUser(long userId,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreRelationManager.createRelation(long from,
long to,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Create a new relation between two documents.
Item |
CoreSecurityManager.createRole(long target,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreWorkspaceManager.createWorkspace(long target,
NamedValue[] workflowParams,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
void |
CoreRequestManager.denyRequestForUser(long requestId,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
NamedValue[] |
CoreSearchManager.executeSelect(NamedValue priTarget,
NamedValue[] auxTargets,
String searchCondition,
String sortCondition,
NamedValue[] bindVals,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attrReqs) |
Item[] |
CoreUserManager.findDomainUsers(NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attrs) |
Item[] |
CoreGroupManager.findGroups(NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item[] |
CoreLifecycleManager.findLifecyclePolicies(NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Returns an array of LIFECYCLE_POLICY Items that match the specified search
Item |
CoreLifecycleManager.findLifecyclePolicyByName(String name,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Returns the LIFECYCLE_POLICY Item with the specified name, or null if no
matching LIFECYCLE_POLICY Item exists.
Item |
CoreSecurityManager.findRoleByKey(String key,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreAuditManager.getAuditTypeList(String name,
AttributeRequest[] attrs) |
Item[] |
CoreSecurityManager.getComputedGranteeList(long target,
long role,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item[] |
CoreSecurityManager.getComputedGroupGranteeList(long target,
long role,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item[] |
CoreSecurityManager.getComputedUserGranteeList(long target,
long role,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
protected Item[] |
CoreCategoryManager.getConfigurationMetaDataCategories(long folderId,
int categorytype,
AttributeRequest[] requestedAttributes,
String configClassName)
remove when getRequiredCategories is removed.
Item |
CoreSessionManager.getCurrentUser(AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns the user as an Item for the current session.
Item |
CoreDomainManager.getDefaultDomain(AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreContentManager.getDefaultMedia(AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Return the default media defined in the system.
Preference |
CoreUserManager.getDomainDefaultUserPreference(String key,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Preference[] |
CoreUserManager.getDomainDefaultUserPreferences(String[] keys,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreCommonManager.getItem(long id,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns an Item given an Item ID and an array of AttributeRequests.
Item[] |
CoreCommonManager.getItems(long[] ids,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns an array of Items given an array of Item IDs and an array
of AttributeRequests.
Item |
CoreContentManager.getMediaByName(String name,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Get media by name.
Item[] |
CoreFileManager.getMostRecentDocuments(NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns the most recent documents for the current user
If the primary or secondary sort attributes are specified
but the corresponding sort directions are not specified,
the sorting defaults to ascending order.
Item |
CoreWorkflowManager.getRequestForWorkflowProcess(long workflowPid,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Returns a Request corresponding to a given WorkflowProcess id.
Item[] |
CoreCategoryManager.getRequiredCategories(long folderId,
AttributeRequest[] requestedAttributes) |
protected Item[] |
CoreCategoryManager.getRequiredMetaDataCategories(long folderId,
AttributeRequest[] attrReqs,
String cfgClassName)
Returns the RequiredCategories of the given folder, or null if none.
Item |
CoreSecurityManager.getRole(long id,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreSecurityManager.getRoleByName(String name,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreUserManager.getUser(String name,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Preference |
CoreUserManager.getUserPreference(String key,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Get a user preference for the current user,
by its preference key.
Preference[] |
CoreUserManager.getUserPreferences(String[] keys,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Get a set of user preferences for the current user,
by preference key.
Preference[] |
CoreUserManager.getUserPreferencesForUser(long userId,
String[] keys,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Get a set of user preferences for the specified user,
by preference key.
Item |
CoreWorkflowManager.getWorkflowConfiguration(long id,
String operation,
boolean direct,
AttributeRequest[] attrs) |
Item[] |
CoreWorkflowManager.getWorkflowConfigurations(long id,
AttributeRequest[] attrs) |
Item |
CoreWorkspaceManager.joinWorkspace(long id,
long[] requestedRoles,
NamedValue[] wfParams,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item[] |
CoreWorkflowManager.listCustomWorkflows(NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item[] |
CoreFileManager.listFolder(long id,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns the items of a folder and returns the requested attributes that
apply to each item.
Item[] |
CoreWorkspaceManager.listJoinableWorkspaces(NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attrs) |
Item[] |
CoreLockManager.listLockedDocuments(int[] locks,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item[] |
CoreContentManager.listMedias(AttributeRequest[] attributes)
List all media items defined in the system.
Item[] |
CoreRequestManager.listRequests(long id,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item[] |
CoreRequestManager.listRequestsForUser(long id,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item[] |
CoreSecurityManager.listRoles(long id,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item[] |
CoreSecurityManager.listRolesByItemType(String itemName,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item[] |
CoreVersionManager.listVersions(long id,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item[] |
CoreWorkflowManager.listWorkflows(AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreCategoryManager.modifyCategorySubClass(long mdscatId,
NamedValue[] attributes,
AttributeRequest[] attrrequest) |
Item |
CoreCategoryManager.modifyMetaDataAttribute(long attributeId,
NamedValue attributedef,
AttributeRequest[] attrrequest)
modify a category attribute.
Item |
CoreGroupManager.removeUsers(long groupId,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreContentManager.requestQuotaUpdate(long id,
NamedValue[] wfParams,
NamedValue[] attrs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Request an update to the existing quota on a workspace for non-admin user.
Item |
CoreFileManager.resolvePath(String path,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Resolves a path, returning an Item that represents a PublicObject.
Item |
CoreFileManager.resolveRelativePath(long folderId,
String path,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Resolves a relative path from a Folder, returning an Item that represents
a PublicObject.
NamedValue[] | expr,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attrReqs) |
Item[] |
CoreRequestManager.searchResponders(String name,
AttributeRequest[] attrs) |
Item |
CoreSecurityManager.setSecurityConfiguration(long id,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreSessionManager.setSessionMode(int mode,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Switches the current session into one of the administration modes
(currently only DOMAIN) or out of administration mode (NORMAL).
Item[] |
CoreSortManager.sortAttributeList(long id,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attrs) |
Item[] |
CoreFileManager.uncompress(long[] items,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Uncompresses the items refered to by
items . |
Item |
CoreAuditManager.updateAuditTypeList(long id,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attrs) |
Item |
CoreCategoryManager.updateCategory(long catId,
NamedValue[] attrs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreContainerManager.updateContainer(long id,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreFileManager.updateDocument(long docId,
NamedValue[] attrs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Updates a Document.
Item[] |
CoreFileManager.updateDocuments(long[] items,
NamedValueSet[] attrs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Updates multiple Documents.
Item |
CoreDomainManager.updateDomain(long id,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreFileManager.updateFolder(long folderId,
NamedValue[] attrs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Updates a Folder.
Item |
CoreGroupManager.updateGroup(long groupId,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreLifecycleManager.updateLifecyclePolicy(long id,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Updates an existing LIFECYCLE_POLICY Item.
Item |
CoreLifecycleManager.updateLifecyclePolicyEntry(long id,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attrs)
Updates an existing LIFECYCLE_POLICY_ENTRY item.
Item |
CoreFileManager.updateLink(long linkId,
NamedValue[] attrs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Updates a Link.
Item |
CoreRelationManager.updateRelation(long id,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Update an existing relation.
Item |
CoreSecurityManager.updateRole(long id,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreVersionManager.updateVersion(long id,
NamedValue[] attrs,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
CoreWorkspaceManager.updateWorkspace(long id,
NamedValue[] def,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AttributeRequest[] |
Returns the requested attributes about the attribute being handled.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static LinkedHashMap |
AttributeHelper.getAttributes(FdkSession fsession,
LibraryObject reposObject,
AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns the map of specified attributes.
Item |
FdkGuestSessionImpl.getUser(AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
abstract Item |
FdkSessionImpl.getUser(AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns the user for this session.
Item |
FdkSystemSessionImpl.getUser(AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
FdkUserSessionImpl.getUser(AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
Item |
InProcessManagersFactoryImpl.getUser(AttributeRequest[] attributes)
Returns the user as an Item that was authenticated for this instance.
static Object |
AttributeHelper.implicitConversion(FdkSessionImpl session,
Object value,
AttributeRequest[] requestedAttrs)
Converts the return value of an attribute to the proper type based on some
implicit rules:
PropertyBundle -> NamedValue[]
LibraryObject -> Item
LibraryObject[] -> Item[]
AttributeValue -> implicitConversion(session, av.getObject(), ar)
NamedValue[] |
AuthenticatedUserLoginManagerImpl.login(NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] userAttributes)
Start a session for the currently authenticated user.
NamedValue[] |
UsernameTokenLoginManagerImpl.login(NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] userAttributes)
Start a session authenticated by the Web Services Username Token.
NamedValue[] |
RemoteLoginManagerImpl.login(String username,
String password,
NamedValue[] options,
AttributeRequest[] userAttributes)
Start a session authenticated as the given user.
Item |
FdkUserSessionImpl.setSessionMode(int mode,
AttributeRequest[] attributes) |
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