Interface | Description |
IfsParameters |
The IfsParameters interface contains standard, commonly used
iFS parameter keys which map to common parameter values that
are stored in Dictionary-like objects, such as
oracle.ifs.common.ParameterTable ,
oracle.ifs.installer.Settings , and
java.util.Properties . |
Class | Description |
AclUtilities |
AclUtilities is a set of miscellaneous tools used for ACL management.
Argument |
Commandline argument class ---
CommandlineArguments |
Commandline argument parser utility ---
Deque |
This is a utility class implementing a deque.
EventQueue |
This is an implementation of a blocking queue.
IfsExceptionResolver |
The class
Helps Resolver relevant nls data from IfsException stacks.
IfsObjectResolver |
An IfsObjectResolver is misc utils associated with collections
and various IfsValueDefaults.
JdbcHelper |
The JdbcHelper class helps transforming various JDBC objects as a
helper class.
Mutex |
This class implements a mutual exclusion lock (mutex).
OidInfo |
A wrapper object that contains OiD related information pertaining to the
security reassociation in iAS.
OsUtils |
A collection of utility methods for performing OS-level tasks.
ParserHelper |
The class -
handles putting and parsing of content onto the system
PublicObjectUtilities |
The class - Utils used by:
Helps to create content on FileSystem
SchemaManagerWrapper |
SchemaManagerWrapper is a wrapper class for iAS repository API class
Semaphore |
This is an implementation of a semaphore.
ServerWarmup |
The class - warmup a newly
created LibraryService, by pre-resolving ACLs, etc.
Timer |
A Timer invokes the actionPerformed method of a registered ActionListener
at a specified periodic interval.
UniqueIdMap |
UniqueIdMap is a class that provides unique identifiers for its
elements and constant-time access to the elements by id.
UniqueIdTable |
UniqueIdTable maintains a mapping of unique identification numbers to
Object references.
Exception | Description |
TooManyItemsException |
Thrown by the put method of a UniqueIdTable to indicate that it is full and
cannot have any more items added to it.
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